Careful consideration was given to the choice of materials, given that Denmark is not home to large quantities of bees wax, nor rosin or suitable vegetable oils.
- Organic Cotton: No compromises! obviously we use GOTS certified cotton to ensure both organic excellence and social accountability. The cotton is sourced from one of the most reputable cotton mills in India.
- Bees Wax: With very limited quantity possibilities within Europe and the EU to procure sustainable amounts of locally harvested beeswax, Wrappy turned to one of the leading European companies to source our beeswax for use as an import.The beeswax Wrappy uses is subject to strict health and food safety requirements as well as to extensive quality control before additional processing by state-recognized laboratories. Wrappy’s beeswax producer is an EU-approved company that is fully authorized and compliant to export beeswax to the EU.Of course, when the beeswax arrives within the EU, veterinary authorities also ensure that the beeswax complies with the legal requirements and guidelines, as it should and has. In addition, our supply chain is characterized by transparency and constant quality control thus guaranteeing Wrappy’s customers the best possible quality final product.In this particular type of beekeeping, no pesticides are generally used or allowed (unlike China, Vietnam and others) so that the resulting wax is purer and more genuine. Also, unlike Asia made food wraps, our products do not contain mineral paraffine which is added to low quality and low price wraps. Mineral paraffine should not be used for food contact purposes.With both our selection of a purveyor within the EU and for natural honeycomb construction sourced beeswax, Wrappy both supports beekeepers in the poorest regions of the world and ascertains social compliance, thus providing you the best possible final product
- Vegan wax: In close co-operation with master blenders of vegetable waxes, we have come to this proprietary blend that provides an outstanding and durable wax coating for our vegan wrapsAlso, we do not have any contents of palm oil in our wraps.Our vegan wax blend is tested to be free from pesticides for every batch we use
- Rosin: we use Mediterranean gum rosin (pine) as this displays excellent properties for the use in wraps and can be procured close to production, thus avoiding long distance transport
- Jojoba Oil: We use certified organic and GMO free jojoba oil from Argentina. The natural properties of jojoba oil help to prolong the life of your Wrappy.A decade ago it was debated whether the jojoba oil (which is really a wax) ingredient Simmondsin was potentially dangerous. In medical doses, Simmondsin causes weight loss and is therefore researched as a potential treatment for obesity. You will however not get any such effect from storing your food in Wrappy. As a matter of fact you would have to EAT no less than 300 sheets of Wrappy per day to reach any Simmondsin related effect, so you would probably loose your appetite for other reasons! There is no updated evidence to support that jojoba oil is not completely safe.
We have experimented with other oils. Let us be clear, there is no oil as good as jojoba oil for this purpose. The only other potential oil would be coconut oil, but it is far from as good and would lead to a lesser quality wrap
- Colors: There is a good reason why we do not use different colors in Wrappy. Ink and colors are renown for potential migration of harmful substances. We spent 6 months identifying just 1 color that could pass the very harsh Danish food contact tests – one of the toughest on the planet. In all simplicity food and colors should generally not be mixed. We strongly oppose the use of many colors in food wraps.